조성호 교수, 한양공대 융합전자공학부, Xandar Kardian
Product: XK300 Autonomous Health Monitoring Solution
Category: Health & Wellness
XK300 Autonomous Health Monitoring Solution By Xandar Kardian [Honoree, Health & Wellness] XK300 is the world's first non-contact, continuous and completely autonomous health monitoring solution utilizing proprietary radar technology. Based on 60 patient clinical trial, it achieved +/- 4 BPM resting heart rate and +/- 1 breath/min accuracy which is well within FDA's efficacy guidelines. In fact, it is currently under substantive review process with FDA for 510(k) clearance, with expected decision by November, 2020. The device will provide critical early deterioration detection in both hospital and at home settings by providing continuous measurements of RHR and RR values over a long period of time without any participation from the patient.
Product: XK400-H Radar Smart Home Solution
Category: Smart Home
XK400-H Radar Smart Home Solution By Xandar Kardian [Honoree, Smart Home] A home is made of two state of motion; zero velocity from objects which includes furniture/building structure and one that creates variable motion which are generated by the body of the occupant in a home. In other words, we never stop generating motion as we breathe in air and as the heart pumps blood inside our bodies while objects stay motionless. XK-400 utilizes radar technology to obtain and differentiate human motion vs. objects with 99.99% accuracy. The result is the ultimate smart home device that can provide occupancy data for energy conservation, security and also continuously monitor the occupants health.
Product: XKA-Child Presence Detection and Driver Monitoring Radar
Category: In-Vehicle Entertainment & Safety
XKA-Child Presence Detection and Driver Monitoring Radar By Xandar Kardian [Honoree, In-Vehicle Entertainment & Safety] With more and more vehicles on the road with auto-pilot (ADAS) capabilities, in-vehicle passenger monitoring, including driver's physiological status and child presence detection in the back seats have become ever more important. XKA-DMS/CPD system by Xandar Kardian utilizes impulse radar technology that is able to obtain heart rate and breathing rate of the driver and other passengers "over the air", continuously. It has no impact from lights, temperature, body type or even what type of clothing the driver/passenger(s) is wearing. Accuracy, compared to ECG halters has been proven to be around 92% during motion.